Klima, Lufttemperatur. 2023 in Deutschland.
Wärmevergleich monatliche Durchscnittstemperaturen 2022 von Worms, Rosenheim, Aachen, Dresden
Ich möchte mal behaupten in Worms wars am wärmsten
Ein Pythonskript für die Toolbox bei https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu
from collections import OrderedDict
import cdstoolbox as ct
# Define dictionary of cities to extract data from
cities = OrderedDict({
'Worms': {'lat': 49.6327, 'lon': 8.3591},
'Rosenheim': {'lat': 47.85637,'lon': 12.1224},
'Emden': {'lat': 53.36745, 'lon': 7.2077},
'Aachen': {'lat': 50.7766,'lon':6.08342},
'Dresden': {'lat': 51.05089,'lon': 13.7383},
# Define label, latitude and longitude lists
city_labels = list(cities.keys())
lats = [cities[k]['lat'] for k in cities.keys()]
lons = [cities[k]['lon'] for k in cities.keys()]
# Initialise the application
@ct.application(title='Hitzekarte für deutsche Städte')
# Define a livefigure output for the application
def application():
"""Define a function that extracts monthly average Near Surface Air Temperature for five predefined cities and plot them on a heatmap.
Application main steps:
- retrieve temperature gridded data
- extract data at given locations using ct.observation.interp_from_grid
- plot data as a heatmap
# Retrieve monthly average temperature
data = ct.catalogue.retrieve(
'variable': '2m_temperature',
'grid':['1', '1']
# Interpolate data for the defined list of cities
cities_temperature = ct.observation.interp_from_grid(data, lat=lats, lon=lons)
# Plot the temperature data for each city as a heatmap with time on the x axis
fig = ct.chart.heatmap(
yticks = city_labels, # assign the city's name to the y ticks
layout_kwargs = {
'title': 'Monatliche Durchschnittstemperatur 2023 in 2m Höhe'
return fig