Klimavergleich  Worms und andere Städte in Deutschland

Klima, Lufttemperatur. 2023 in Deutschland.

Wärmevergleich monatliche Durchscnittstemperaturen 2022 von Worms, Rosenheim, Aachen, Dresden 
Ich möchte mal behaupten in Worms wars am wärmsten

Ein Pythonskript für die Toolbox bei https://cds.climate.copernicus.eu

from collections import OrderedDict
import cdstoolbox as ct

# Define dictionary of cities to extract data from
cities = OrderedDict({
    'Worms': {'lat': 49.6327, 'lon': 8.3591},
    'Rosenheim': {'lat': 47.85637,'lon': 12.1224},
    'Emden': {'lat': 53.36745, 'lon': 7.2077},
    'Aachen': {'lat': 50.7766,'lon':6.08342},
    'Dresden': {'lat': 51.05089,'lon': 13.7383},

# Define label, latitude and longitude lists
city_labels = list(cities.keys()) 
lats = [cities[k]['lat'] for k in cities.keys()] 
lons = [cities[k]['lon'] for k in cities.keys()] 

# Initialise the application
@ct.application(title='Hitzekarte für deutsche Städte')
# Define a livefigure output for the application
def application():
    """Define a function that extracts monthly average Near Surface Air Temperature for five predefined cities and plot them on a heatmap.

    Application main steps:

    - retrieve temperature gridded data
    - extract data at given locations using ct.observation.interp_from_grid
    - plot data as a heatmap
    # Retrieve monthly average temperature
    data = ct.catalogue.retrieve(
            'variable': '2m_temperature',
            'grid':['1', '1']
    # Interpolate data for the defined list of cities
    cities_temperature = ct.observation.interp_from_grid(data, lat=lats, lon=lons)
    # Plot the temperature data for each city as a heatmap with time on the x axis
    fig = ct.chart.heatmap(
        yticks = city_labels, # assign the city's name to the y ticks
        layout_kwargs = {
            'title': 'Monatliche Durchschnittstemperatur 2023 in 2m Höhe'

    return fig


  • Kenntnisse zum Verstehen des Artikels: LINUX